Monday, December 21, 2015

Students Visit KSBW Headquarters in Salinas

This year's MoCoYoJo class visited KSBW-TV in Salinas Dec. 19 for a tour of the newsroom and studio. Hosted by News Director Lawton Dodd, the students watched a live newscast and then had a chance to ask questions of the crew. 

Pictured below: Zac Buzza of Carmel High stands at the green screen used for the weather report. Inset shows how the weather map is inserted electronically as Zac gives his forecast.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What's Working...

This year's MoCoYoJo reporters are working on exciting local stories that will soon be published. Here's a rundown:

Zac Buzza: Students and teachers question value of "Common Core" approach.

Grace Davis: Carmel High struggles to keep the peace with residents living near campus.

Ethan Nemiroff: Do students get enough sleep? Would a shift in class schedule help?

Alexandra Roden: A dearth of young volunteers is hurting non-profits like Meals on Wheels.

Drew Sharek: Concern mounts about head injuries in youth soccer leagues.